Publié le 15 septembre 2023

Congratulations on an outstanding interview with President of the Collectivité Daniel Gibbs

Dear  Editor

Congratulations  on an  outstanding  interview  with  President  of the  Collectivité  Daniel Gibbs.  He,  like  many elected  officials on both sides  of  the  island,  has worked  tirelessly  since Irma  struck,  and  his skills  and  leadership have been  much  appreciated.
What  most  do  not know,  and  he  likely would not  have  told  you, is what  President  Gibbs was  doing  a  few  hours before  Irma  struck. My wife  and  I  were  at  the shelter  at  the  new school in La  Savane and were surprised  to  see  President  Gibbs around  midnight  as  he  physically  assisted,  with walkie-talkie in  hand, transferring the elderly  and disabled  who had been  at the  Grand Case  Catholic Church to the La  Savane shelter.
While  most were  finishing  hurricane  preparations  or holed  up  in  their home  or  shelter,  President  Gibbs was  hard  at work  a  few hours before the wrath  of  lrma  demonstrating  what  leadership is  all  about  -  helping  others  first.

John  Berglund

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